Archive for March 16, 2016

Photo 101 ~ Day Eight: Natural World & Leading Lines – Reaching the Sea   5 comments

Day Eight: Natural World & Leading Lines
Reaching the Sea

As I was working today, I have no day-light time to capture any outdoor photograph. Going through my photo archives, I managed to find a “natural world” type of photograph which I took in South Korea during my holidays. I observed the trees, by the side of the cliff, were quite artistically structured by the wind. This particular tree had a branch sprouting towards the sea. Out of interest, I took the photograph of the diagonal line of the branch cutting the composition into two portions.

SP Lim

Diagonal branch of the tree trying to reach the sea.

Reaching the sea.
(Diagonal branch of the tree trying to reach the sea.)

Day Eight: Natural World & Leading Lines

A good photographer is a constant observer: always watching and studying a scene, from patterns in city traffic to movements in nature.

A photographer notices big, sweeping changes — like the sky at dusk — but also the tiniest details, like the subtle bends in bare branches in the Nevada desert:

Photo-not included

Capture the natural world with your camera: document a moment outside, big or small. From a panorama snapped during your morning hike to a close-up of a leaf in your yard, we invite you to document this wondrous world around us.

Can’t go outside? Photograph something — furniture, architecture, etc. — that looks or feels organic, or mimics the shapes and movements of nature.

Today’s Tip: Exploring the outdoors, with camera in hand, is an opportunity to look for natural lines that lead our eyes to different parts of a frame. Envision the bend of a stream, or the curve of a petal: how can you use these lines in your composition? If you see strong vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines, can you play with the orientation to create a more dynamic composition? Can you apply — or break — the “Rule of Thirds”?

Josh R. and the Team

Yosakoi Parade 2016 ~ Part 2   Leave a comment

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Yosakoi Parade 2016 ~ Part 2

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